Top Six Teas for the Immune System and Healthy Skin

Tea has been the preferred drink for people around the globe for thousands of years. It has risen to popularity not just for its delicious flavor, but also for the numerous benefits that its many varieties can offer. Perhaps one of the most important benefits that tea can offer is immune system support, effectively helping you stay healthy despite your surroundings. Yet tea can do even more than just support your insides – it can also make boost your skin health, giving you a vibrant, youthful appearance. Here are the best teas for immunity and skin, and what makes them so effective.

The Best Teas for Immunity and Skin :

 Green Tea.

Green tea is the go-to for many people at the first sign of illness. Like white tea, it contains polyphenols, though green tea contains different ones, including epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. Studies have shown that EGCG can alleviate inflammation while also boosting immunity.

Catechins are also found in green tea and can protect against infection as they have antiviral properties. These same active ingredients can help renew collagen, slowing its breakdown, which keeps skin looking elastic and young.

White Tea.

White tea contains of catechins, which is a type of polyphenol. Polyphenols are molecules that work like antioxidants once they enter your body, protecting your cells from free radicals. Free radicals can come from outside sources, like cigarettes, drinking, x-rays, ozone, air pollutants, and industrial chemicals. They can also come from inside the body as part of the essential, normal metabolic processes of your body. Free radicals can be both good and bad – the biggest issue is when they can’t be destroyed and there’s an overload of them.

White tea contains tons of catechins, which is a type of polyphenol. Polyphenols are molecules that work like antioxidants once they enter your body, protecting your cells from free radicals. Free radicals can come from outside sources, like cigarettes, drinking, x-rays, ozone, air pollutants, and industrial chemicals. They can also come from inside the body as part of the essential, normal metabolic processes of your body. Free radicals can be both good and bad – the biggest issue is when they can’t be destroyed and there’s an overload of them.

Oolong Tea.

Oolong tea, pronounced “wu-long,” contains antioxidant flavonoids that can help to prevent cellular damage by increasing the production of antibacterial proteins in the body, which in turn can help fight off infections. It’s also known to contain folic acid and niacinamide, both of which are detoxifying alkaloids and can help fight off more severe illnesses, like tumors. Research has also shown that oolong tea’s antioxidants can improve skin appearance, especially with inflammation caused by eczema, because they fight off free radicals.

Reishi Tea 

The reishi mushroom is called the mushroom of immortality. Drinking tea made from these fungi can be incredibly beneficial. Studies show that reishi can impact inflammation in white blood cells, which are important parts of the immune system. It has been shown to help fight infections and more serious conditions.

Reishi ’s ability to fight inflammation is also key for healthy skin, as reducing inflammation results in soothed skin, removing irritation and redness. Reishi contains ergothioneine and glutathione, both of which are powerful antioxidants that can fight free radicals, enhance sun protection, and prevent premature aging. It also contains polysaccharides that hydrate the skin and tyrosinase, a melanin-producing enzyme that can help fade acne scarring.

Macha Tea

Matcha is a specially harvested variety of green tea which contains a concentrated supply of antioxidants. It also contains bakuchiol, which is a plant-based retinol. Retinol is one of the most popular and effective anti-aging ingredients on the market, known for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Like green tea, matcha ’s antioxidants are also great for protecting you from cold and flu season. As a bonus, it contains L-theanine, which can reduce stress and anxiety while also improving cognitive function, focus, and alertness – making you feel energetic

Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh tea can improve your overall health because of its ability to lower cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, and even dissolve fat. Pu-erh tea can increase the amount of dietary-fat-bound bile acid excreted in the feces, meaning you don’t absorb as much fat in the bloodstream, thereby lowering cholesterol. Studies have shown that it can decrease fat accumulation, which can improve your heart health.

Pu-erh can lower inflammation, which can, in turn, can improve your immunity. Additionally, it contains even more polyphenol and catechin than green tea, making it great at protecting the skin’s elasticity and potentially offering detoxifying benefits

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